North Star Board of Directors:
Our board is comprised of 7 seats consisting of community members and parents.
All communications to the Board Directors should be sent to the Board Clerk, Sheri Craig, at scraig@northstarcharter.org
Community Members
Seat 3: Maggie Huffaker
Seat 5: Michelle Van Beek- Vice Chair
Seat 7: Steve Gregg
Parent Members
Seat 1: Jenna Balch- Treasurer
Seat 2: Cherish Anderson- Secretary
Seat 4: Bryan Wheeler-Chair
Seat 6: Dave Dumas
North Star Charter School Board Duties
Mailing Address
Mailing Address:
Members of the Board
North Star Charter School
839 N. Linder Rd., Eagle, Idaho 83616
Board Clerk: Sheri Craig, scraig@northstarcharter.org