PTO Sign-up

We are currently in the official election period and WE WANT YOU!! Please consider filling an officer role or volunteering on one of the many committees. SEE HOW YOU CAN HELP! Questions, feel free to contact us at     MORE INFORMATION...

ELEMENTARY Information

Elementary Families,   Below you’ll find important elementary (grades K-5) information to help you gear up for school and plan: SAVE THE DATE There will be more info to come as the events get closer August 15th from 4:30-5:30 :  Meet and Greet (drop off...


Parents, Please see the below classroom supply lists for each grade level. This will allow families to catch deals and spread spending out over the summer. Please note that if finances are an issue, only buy what you are able to do. These are suggested supply list and...


PARENT’S – Online enrollment for the upcoming school year is now available! This process replaces the paper forms sent home at the beginning of each school year. You will use the PowerSchool Parent Portal to access the Registration....