*Courses offered for dual credit are indicated by a listing under “CWI Course Name.”


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Government 10, 12 POLS 101-American National Government (3) Meets CWI GEM 6: Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing

This course introduces students to the American political system. The course examines the structure and operation of the institutions of the U.S. federal government; introduces students to the approach and terminology associated with the field of political science; deepens students’ awareness of the role of citizens, interest groups, political parties, and politicians within the American political system; builds an understanding of the role of politics and strategy in the operation of government; and understands how they impact the processes that occur within the system. Further, the course explores and instills a sense of civic duty and citizen participation.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
World History A 10 HIST 101-World History 1 (3) Meets CWI GEM 6: Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing

This course interprets the development of cultures from around the world from prehistoric times to A.D. 1500. Students will analyze the characteristics of human societies and explore how human cultures have interacted with each other over time. The evolution of global exchange and the ideas, concepts, and phenomena that have connected and divided people across regions and time will be investigated.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
World History B 10 HIST 101-World History 2 (3) Meets CWI GEM 6: Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing or Global Perspectives

This course engages students in the study of world history since 1500 to achieve a critical and integrated understanding of global societies and cultures during the past five hundred years. Students will explore developments in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, and the Pacific Islands. It will consider the effects of imperialism; investigate the origins and outcomes of world war, revolution, and genocide in the 20th century; and consider the global challenges of the 21st century.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
United States History 9 (only in 22-23) N/A N/A

This course is a chronological study of America from Exploration through the Twenty-First Century.  The first semester we will cover the following topics: New Empires in the Americas, English Colonies, the American Revolution, forming a Government, Citizenship and the Constitution, Launching a Nation, The Age of Jackson, Growth and Westward Expansion, the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Industrial Age and Immigration, and the Progressive Era. The second semester we will focus on the following topics: America as a World Power, World War 1, Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, World War 2, The Cold War, Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, Nixon-Reagan Presidency, and the Twenty-First Century. Through research, analyzing documents, projects and other assignments, students will learn US History and make connections how our past has impacted us today.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
United States History A 11 HIST 111- USH I (3) Meets CWI GEM 6: Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing or Global Perspectives

This course examines the history of the United States from its pre-colonial and colonial beginnings to the Civil War. Emphasis is placed on tracing the development of the American political system, economic institutions, social structure and culture from the Colonial period through the Revolution, early National period, and the Jacksonian era to the Civil War. During this 250-year period, dynamic changes to American constitutionalism, democracy, nationalism, and society led to conflicts in American politics and society over such issues as slavery, federalism, expansionism, and early industrialization.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
United States History B 11 HIST 111- USH II (3) Meets CWI GEM 6: Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing or Global Perspectives

This course examines the evolution of the United States between 1865 and the present. Emphasis is placed on tracing the development of the American political system, economic institutions, social structure, and culture during the Gilded Age, the Progressive era, the Great Depression, the World Wars, and the Cold War. During the modern era, the U.S. had to confront issues of national integration, upheaval in race/class/gender relations, economic change, corporatization, and America’s role as a world power. The course ends with a discussion of politics, society, the economy, and information technology in our era.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
IB History (2023-24 only) 12 N/A N/A

The HL IB History Course will cover the following units of study: Causes and effects of the 20th Century wars, the Mexican Revolution, The Move to Global War (Case Study 1: Japanese expansion in East Asia & Case Study 2:  German and Italian expansion), Authoritarian States and the Cold War:  Superpower tensions and rivalries.



North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Honors English 9 9 N/A N/A

Honors English 9 is a literature-based writing course that focuses on significant works of world literature and explores how time periods, societies, and cultural values frame our understanding of a literary work. The course is designed to prepare students for Honors English 10 and dual credit/college-level English 11-12. In this course, students develop the ability to clearly, concisely, and concretely express ideas in both written and oral discourse and extend abilities to develop arguable claims through effective structure and well-integrated support. They develop advanced skills in reading and analyzing significant works of literature in the genres of prose fiction, prose non-fiction, poetry, and drama. They employ strategies that critical readers use and explore how reading strategies support or limit understanding of a text. They demonstrate an understanding of the techniques used by writers in each of the target genres.  Through close reading, they determine how the writer’s use of techniques (structure, rhythm and rhyme, phrasing and punctuation, choice of language, diction, imagery, etc.) impacts the reader and ideas.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Honors English 10 10 N/A N/A

Honors English 10 is a literature-based writing course that focuses on American literature and the American story. With a focus on literary style, structure, and analysis of theme, students will explore the relationship between cultures and individuals in American society. Students will extend and refine strategies for close reading, analyzing, and evaluating the authors’ “moves” in a range of texts (literary and non-literary), including the relationship between form and function, and the effects of language. Additionally, students will extend and refine strategies for writing effective analytical essays that incorporate claims and counterclaims, and analyze significance of evidence.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information

English 11/

IB English 11 (Class of 2024 only)

11 ENG 101-Writing and Rhetoric I (3) Meets CWI GEM 1: Written Communication; This course is a prerequisite for ENG 102.

English 11 emphasizes the process and strategies of writing with critical attention to purpose, audience, and style. Students write analytical essays based on readings, observations, and ideas; develop their inventiveness and voice; and edit for style conventions of standard usage. This course introduces students to academic writing conventions, including integrating sources and using a citation system. This course focuses on the idea that everything is an argument and encourages students to think about writing from the point of view of the roles that we adopt (and adapt) when we communicate with others for varying purposes.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
English 12 12 ENG 102-Writing and Rhetoric II (3)

GEM 1: Written Communication


English 12/English 102 furthers the composition skills developed in English 11/English 101, focusing on critical reading, writing, and research. Students will write expository and persuasive essays, using literary, nonliterary and/or interdisciplinary materials. The course focuses on the processes of academic inquiry and source supported writing while continuing to practice pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing strategies. Students will gain experience using a variety of research methods including interview, observation, survey, peer-reviewed journals, electronic databases, and other written/visual/aural texts or artifacts. Students will use reflection to critically analyze and evaluate information and ideas from a variety of sources and use such sources effectively in their own writing.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information

IB English 12

(Class of 2024 only)

12 ENG 175-Literature and Ideas (3)

Meets CWI GEM 5: Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing


This class is an introduction to literary genres, which includes the study of terminology and standard techniques of reading and communicating about literature. The IB English Language and Literature A HL program is an intensive college level study of language and literature that is taught over a period of two years. In this course, students study a wide range of literary and non-literary texts in a variety of media. By examining communicative acts across literary form and textual types alongside appropriate secondary readings, students will investigate the nature of language itself and the ways in which it shapes and is influenced by identity and culture. Throughout the course, students will explore the various ways in which language choices, text types, literary forms and contextual elements all affect meaning. Through close analysis of various text types and literary forms, students will consider their own interpretations, as well as the critical perspectives of others, to explore how such positions are shaped by cultural belief systems and to negotiate meanings for texts



North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Integrated Math 1 8, 9 N/A N/A

Integrated I is the first course in a three-year sequence of college preparatory mathematics courses at North Star. It aims to deepen and extend student understanding built in previous courses by focusing on developing fluency with solving linear equations, inequalities, and systems. These skills are extended to solving simple exponential equations, exploring linear and exponential functions graphically, numerically, symbolically, and as sequences, and by using regression techniques to analyze the fit of models to distributions of data. On a daily basis, students in Integrated I use problem-solving strategies, questioning, investigating, analyzing critically, gathering and constructing evidence, and communicating rigorous arguments justifying their thinking. Students learn in collaboration with others while sharing information, expertise, and ideas.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Integrated Math 2 9, 10, 11 N/A N/A

Integrated II is the second course in a three-year sequence of college preparatory mathematics courses at North Star. Students will focus on geometry, right triangle trigonometry, compound probability and quadratic functions this year. On a daily basis, students in Integrated II use problem-solving strategies, questioning, investigating, analyzing critically, gathering and constructing evidence, and communicating rigorous arguments justifying their thinking. Under teacher guidance, students learn in collaboration with others while sharing information, expertise, and ideas.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Integrated Math 3 10, 11, 12 N/A N/A

Integrated III is the third and final course in a three-year sequence of college preparatory mathematics courses at North Star. Students will focus on Inferences and Conclusions from Data; Polynomial, Rational, and Radical Relationships; Trigonometry of General Triangles and Trigonometric Functions; and Mathematical Modeling. On a daily basis, students in Integrated III use problem-solving strategies, questioning, investigating, analyzing critically, gathering and constructing evidence, and communicating rigorous arguments while justifying their thinking. Under teacher guidance, students learn in collaboration with others while sharing information, expertise, and ideas.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
College Algebra 11, 12 MATH 143: College Algebra (3) Meets CWI GEM 3: Mathematical Ways of Knowing

This course includes fundamental concepts of algebra, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, systems of equations and inequalities, and polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
IB AA (Class of 2024 only) 12 N/A  

This course is designed for students with business, social science, and life science majors. It covers functions, limits, continuity, derivative, maxima-minima, applications of the derivative, exponential and logarithmic functions, functions of several variables, maxima and minima of functions of several variables, integration, and applications of the integral.



North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Biology 9 N/A Students need to take one year of Biology specifically to meet the science requirement for the NSCS diploma.

This course is a study of living organisms and many of their vital processes. Students will cover ecology, microbiology, genetics, and many other topics. State and NGSS standards are met, and students will be amply prepared for a college level biology course after this class. Hands-on activities and labs will be major elements of the class to further strengthen students’ scientific skills and understanding.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
General Chemistry 10 N/A



Students will study matter and the changes it undergoes, learning about atomic theory, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, intermolecular forces, and reaction thermodynamics. This course is a foundation for our IB Biology course and the college-bound student.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Advanced Chemistry 10, 11, 12 CHEM 101/101L: Intro to Chemistry (4)

Meets CWI GEM 4: Scientific Ways of Knowing


Advanced Chemistry/lab is the study of the composition of matter and the changes it undergoes. It is mainly concerned with atoms and their interactions with other atoms and the energy involved in those processes. Students taking Advanced Chemistry will be studying atomic theory, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, intermolecular forces, reaction thermodynamics, nuclear chemistry, organic and biochemistry. This course is designed to fulfill the needs of three groups of students: those who will be entering health science careers such as nursing, dental hygiene, and radiology; those who have not taken an introductory chemistry course or need review before taking CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry 1; and those who need a laboratory course for graduation that have an interest in chemistry or related fields. Topics covered in the course include the scientific method, atomic and molecular structure, the periodic table, types of compounds, nomenclature, the mole, gases, solutions, types of reactions, balancing equations, stoichiometry, intermolecular forces, acids and bases, equilibria, and nuclear chemistry.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
IB Chemistry (Class of 2024 only) 12 CHEM 111/111L: Intro to Chemistry (4)

Meets CWI GEM 4: Scientific Ways of Knowing



IB Chemistry is a two-year Standard Level/Higher Level course that fulfills the science requirement for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP). The Chemistry HL/SL courses will provide students with higher-order investigative experiences and activities to promote a deeper understanding of critical concepts in Chemistry. It will also help the student to develop the ability to analyze scientific literature critically and to develop manipulative and experimental skills necessary to perform college level scientific investigations. Topics include Stoichiometry, Atomic Theory, Chemical Bonding, States of Matter, Carbon Chemistry, and the Periodic Table. Students will be required to demonstrate knowledge in experimental methodology, data collection, and the interpretation of experimental data. Theory of Knowledge (TOK) concepts and global connections will be discussed and integrated throughout the course. IB Chemistry will include an internal assessment project that requires students to conduct an investigation in the field of chemistry research. It will also include a Group 4 (DP Science) collaborative project and an externally assessed IB exam at the end of the course. Both of these assessments will contribute to the student’s IB grade and will count towards the earning of an IB Diploma. The second year of IB Chemistry is taught in conjunction with CWI; a final exam provided by CWI must be passed in order to earn these credits.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Environmental Science 10, 11, 12 ENVI 100/100L: Environmental Science (4)

Meets CWI GEM 4: Scientific Ways of Knowing or Global Perspectives. Meets Ethical Reasoning requirement


This course is designed for non-science majors. It will consider scientific principles and their influence on environmental problems in today’s society. The role of humans and our impact on these issues will be emphasized. Past, present, and future trends will be evaluated along with the possible impacts of these trends on the local and global populace. Students will engage with the process of science by making observations, developing questions, designing experiments, using scientific apparatus to collect and analyze data, and communicating the results of scientific work.



North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Spanish 1 9 SPAN 101-Elementary Spanish I (4)

Meets CWI GEM 5: Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing


The focus of this course is to begin the acquisition process of Spanish with the goal of exchanging real-life information and ideas through the use of functional vocabulary and grammar. The four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing will be targeted, as well the richness and diversity of Hispanic culture. Beginners and students with fewer than two years of high school Spanish should register for this course. The emphasis is on essential structures and vocabulary. Students who complete this course with a high level of achievement will be able to communicate by speaking, listening, reading and writing in the present tense about familiar topics that pertain to their daily lives, such as descriptions, class schedules, activities and families; gain cultural knowledge about topics related to Hispanic cultures and communities; connect with other disciplines through level appropriate readings and discussions in Spanish about geography, literature, music, history, and other content areas; develop insights about the nature of language; and begin to see themselves as participants in a multilingual community.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Spanish 2 10 SPAN 102-Elementary Spanish II (4)

GEM 5: Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing or Global Perspectives



This course is a continuation of Spanish 1, with increasing emphasis on the student’s ability to use the language in authentic and practical situations through a broadened foundation in vocabulary and grammar. The focus of this course will be on comprehension, communication and cultural understanding. Essential structures and vocabulary are emphasized. Students will be involved in activities requiring the communicative use of all four language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Students who complete this course with a high level of achievement will be able to communicate by speaking, listening, reading and writing in the present, preterite, and imperfect tenses about topics such as free time, daily routines, nationalities and telling stories; gain cultural knowledge about topics related to Hispanic cultures and communities; connect with other disciplines through level appropriate readings and discussions in Spanish about a variety of global issues; develop insights about the connection between language and culture by comparing and analyzing linguistic and cultural elements of Spanish and English; and begin to see themselves as participants in a multilingual and multicultural community.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Spanish 3 11 SPAN 201-Intermediate Spanish II (4)

Meets CWI GEM 5: Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing

PREREQ: Spanish 2 or teacher approval

This course is an expanded reinforcement of the first two levels, concentrating on developing greater oral proficiency and reading skills, with some composition. Students will have the opportunity to increase Spanish proficiency in real-world terms. The emphasis is on essential structures and vocabulary. Students who complete this course with a high level of achievement will be able to communicate by speaking, listening, reading and writing in the present, past, future, conditional, and perfect tenses about topics such as science and technology, the environment, social relationships, and health; gain cultural knowledge about topics related to Hispanic cultures and communities; connect with other disciplines through readings and discussions in Spanish about geography, literature, music, history, and other content areas using target vocabulary and grammar.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
IB Spanish 12 (Class of 2024 only) 12 SPAN 202-Intermediate Spanish II (4)

Meets CWI GEM 5: Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing

PREREQ: Spanish 3, SPAN 201, three years of high school Spanish, or teacher approval

This course expands upon and reinforces the first three courses in the sequence, concentrating on developing greater proficiency in the four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will have the opportunity to increase Spanish proficiency in real-world terms and will continue to gain greater understanding and insights into Hispanic culture. The emphasis is on essential structures and vocabulary. Students who complete this course with a high level of achievement will be able to communicate by speaking, listening, reading and writing in the present, past, future, conditional, and perfect tenses about topics such as science and technology, human rights, and global issues; gain cultural knowledge about topics related to Spanish and Hispanic cultures and communities; connect with other disciplines through readings and discussions in Spanish about literature, culture, politics, history, and other content areas using target vocabulary and grammar.



North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Advanced Fitness 11, 12 N/A



This course is designed for students who are serious about improving their overall fitness through improving their strength, speed, power, quickness, agility, body composition and flexibility. This is an advanced physical education course and students should know that the expectations and intensity of this class will be very high. In this course, students will develop a knowledge of all major muscle groups and exercises that will strengthen those muscle groups through practical application and cognitive means. They will be able to perform a variety of core and auxiliary lifts with proper form and technique. Upon completion of this course, students will have the ability to design their own basic strength and conditioning program and maintain a high level of weightlifting competency and self-efficacy. Students will participate each day and will need to wear fitness attire that will allow them to safely and appropriately participate in physical activity while following dress code guidelines. Clothing such as shorts, T-shirts, sweats, and athletic-style footwear allows students to participate to the fullest and safest extent possible.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Music Performance 9,10,11,12 N/A



This class offers students the opportunity to enrich their lives through learning and performing music. Vocalists and instrumentalists are invited to select and prepare repertoire for public performance as well as district wide music competitions. The daily objective is to foster and promote musical growth in a highly individualized manner.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
IB Music (CLass of 2024 only) 11, 12 N/a


This is a non-technical course designed to provide a basis for enjoyable listening through the discovery of stylistic differences between historical eras and the individual composers within the eras and through the awareness of the various performance media. In addition to classical music, this course also explores folk music, popular music, and jazz, as well as selected examples of music from non-Western cultures. The goal is to discover and articulate the stylistic differences between historical eras and individual composers. Some time will also be spent on learning the basics of producing electronic music through various digital audio workstations like GarageBand and Waveform.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
IDLA Online Course 9,10,11,12 Dual Credit available with ID colleges Counselor will assist with registration. Students need to request Advanced Opportunities funding to pay for the overload/DC course through IDLA.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Lifetime Sports 11, 12 N/A



Lifetime Sports is an integral part of the education process to help improve academic learning, develop motor skills, ascend fitness/wellness levels, lift leadership lids and augment social skill sets. This elective class is a way students can get outside and discover new ways they can be lifetime movers post secondary. They will develop and incorporate a physically active lifestyle that will help them prepare for a healthy, active adult life.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Office Aide (Elementary/Secondary) 9,10, 11, 12 N/A

Front Office Staff approval needed


Office Aides assist school staff with daily operations of the front office. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, answering phones, greeting on-campus visitors, running call slips for students, delivering items to classrooms, using the photocopier, and helping students with various needs. Office aides are required to have satisfactory academic and attendance records and can demonstrate courtesy, responsibility, and confidentiality. This class is graded as pass/fail.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Seminary 9,10,11, 12 N/A

Parent approval needed


The seminary program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a religious education program for youth. North Star students have the option to attend off-campus seminary at Eagle High School during their elective period. Parents/guardians arrange transportation for their child to attend seminary at Eagle High School. Students must follow the seminary check-out/check-in protocols at the main office to help with attendance monitoring. It is the expectation that students return promptly to the North Star campus once their seminary class ends. No high school credit will be given for seminary.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information

Student Council


9,10,11,12 N/A

StuCo Advisor approval needed


Student leadership is for those interested in learning leadership skills, improving their school and community, and representing student interests. This course will assist in acquiring excellent leadership abilities through the organization and coordination of proposed activities, which will make North Star Charter School an enjoyable and meaningful experience for the entire student body and staff. The objectives are to develop responsibility, initiative, creativity, leadership, and school pride, to allow students the opportunity to participate in and plan activities, to successfully run an effective and democratic government, to better understand the importance of good leadership, to become familiar with parliamentary procedures, and to appreciate and implement legally required ASB policies.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information

Teacher’s Aide


9,10,11,12 N/A

Teacher Approval Needed


Teacher’s aides assist assigned teacher as needed in the classroom. Duties include, but are not limited to, classroom organization and peer tutoring. Teacher’s aides are expected to demonstrate professionalism and responsibility in their attendance and behavior for the duration of their TA assignment. The teacher of record is responsible for assigning reasonable jobs/projects for the TA and for keeping accurate records of his/her grades, attendance, and behavior during the assigned TA period. This class is graded as pass/fail.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Theory of Knowledge (Class of 2024 only) 12 N/A

Needed for IB Diploma


Theory of Knowledge (TOK) – In this class, students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know. TOK is part of the core of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, and is mandatory for all IB students.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Visual Arts 1 Foundations (Beginner) 9,10,11,12 N/A There is no prerequisite for this class.

We will be reviewing the Elements and Principles of Art.  Each project will revolve around using the Elements of Art to produce the Principles of Design.  We will work with many different media testing a variety of techniques.  We will look at multiple artists and periods within art,  learning to critique famous works of art as well as peer work.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Visual Arts 2 Building Processes (Intermediate) 9,10,11,12 N/A Completion of Visual Arts 1 or Instructor Approval

This course will expect students to have prior knowledge of Elements and Principles of Art.  Students will experience a deeper understanding and practice of different mediums and techniques.  Artist studies along with in depth media experimentation will allow students to shape their artistic interests and find their strengths.  Continued critiques of peer and famous artworks, looking more closely at formal qualities along with technique and medium.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information

Visual Arts 3 (Advanced)/

IB Art (class of 2024 only)

11,12 N/A Completion of Visual Arts 1 and 2 or Instructor Approval

This course is designed to allow the student more decision making within the medium and techniques along with the artists, culture, and periods they would like to focus on throughout the year. By this course students will know how to apply the formal qualities to an artwork to compare and contrast during in depth critiques. Students will learn more processes as well as culminate the year with a curation of their own work in an exhibition.



North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Health 10 N/A



Students will participate in a problem-based learning classroom where innovative solutions will be created while researching a variety of different health problems such as; physical health, environmental health, mental/ emotional health, and social health. This class will help them be aware of dangers and learn of choices that they could make will leave lasting impressions on their lives forever. They will give three presentations throughout the semester where they will provide the class information about statistics and definitions of the topic they are learning. They will also need to type a research paper for each unit and construct a visual aid to help demonstrate their solution or their problem they are researching. After all the information is provided, students will take a summative assessment over that information.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Speech 9 COMM 101-Fundamentals of Oral Communication (3) Meets CWI  GEM 2: Oral Communication

This survey course provides an introduction to human communication. Communication is the study and application of messages and meaning foundational to human interaction. Students are prepared to become effective and ethical communicators by learning to be critical users and producers of information and the importance of accommodating multiple perspectives and communication styles. Students use theory, concepts, processes, and communication practices in a variety of personal, academic, professional, and social situations. Emphases include perception, verbal and nonverbal messages, and listening in the contexts of public, interpersonal, mass, and small group communication.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
9th Grade PE 9 N/A



Students will engage in game-like activities where they are cardio active and will learn activities they can continue doing outside of school. Students will also take the FITNESSGRAM pacer test, pushup test, mile run, and flexibility test three times per semester as well. They will work to improve their scores by being active in games and activities that are fitness focused.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Fitness 10 N/A



Students will learn how to be lifetime movers in their workouts and in their activities. They will learn how to find their heart rate, calculate their target heart rate zone, and how to get to their target heart rate. Students will also participate in games they can play outside of school to be physically active. Students will take the FITNESSGRAM pacer test, pushup test, mile run, and flexibility test three times per semester as well. They will work to improve their scores by being active in games and activities that are fitness focused.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
College and Career 9 CWI 101-Connecting with Ideas (3)

Meets CWI Institutional Requirement for General Education


This course is designed to help students become engaged members of the academic community at College of Western Idaho and cultivate the habits of mind for lifelong achievement and success. It encourages students to claim their education through learning how to learn. By linking critical and creative thinking with writing and discussion, students will explore thematic content in an effort to develop their own perspectives on learning and success. The course addresses academic expectations and strategies, college resources and services, as well as personal responsibility and engagement in an effort to prepare students for navigating college life and life beyond college. Although this course offers multiple themes of study, it may only be taken once for credit.



North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Introduction to Business 10 BUSA 101: Introduction to Business (3)

Required class for the Business AA; North Star graduation requirement


A survey of business subject areas for both business and non-business students. Topics covered will include business operation and organization, financial management, marketing, accounting, and labor relations. Career opportunities in the field of business will be discussed.


North Star Course Name Grade Taken CWI Course Name (# of college credits) Additional Information
Computer Applications 9 BUSA 120: Business Software Applications (3)

Required class for the Business AA; North Star graduation requirement


This is a skills-based course where students learn to use business software primarily focused on Microsoft Office applications. Projects include Internet research, document preparation including spreadsheets, database management, presentations, and website creation. Students are provided with critical-thinking opportunities and hands-on experience with computers. In order to pass this class, you must pass the Microsoft Office Specialist exams for Word and Excel. It is strongly recommended that students have basic computer skills including using the internet and email, saving and printing documents, and a proficient typing ability.