SPECIAL MATCH CHALLENGE for Leading Edge Technology Campaign!

Jan 2, 2016 | Archives

TO: North Star Parents

FROM: Joanna O’Donnell

SUBJECT: Exciting News for North Star!!


Dear North Star Community,


I have some exciting news to share with you!


Two North Star families have just committed to match half of the remaining balance on the Leading Edge Technology Campaign ($15,000) if the rest of our school community can come up with the other half ($15,000) by January 31st. These families are stepping up to help make sure the remaining funds are raised.


In their words, “Our children deserve the best education we can provide, including technology in every student and teacher’s hand. We support this campaign as an investment in the future of this great school and its amazing students, and hope that our contribution will inspire other North Star parents to give generously.”


Starting today, this amazing opportunity will allow your gifts to be essentially DOUBLED! If you have not yet made a contribution, please make a donation today. If you have already given, we encourage you to give more.


The match challenge starts today and will end Jan 31st. Our goal is not only in sight, but it is achievable. Help us take advantage of this generous gift that will allow us to complete our Leading Edge Technology goal of $75,000 to purchase much needed technology for our school.


Please help up by DONATING NOW. Or you can mail your check to the school, attention: Joanna O’Donnell. Today is the LAST day of 2015. Give today and take advantage of the amazing tax benefits Idaho has to offer for gifts to education institutions (note: it must be postmarked by Dec 31 to be considered a tax-deductible charitable donation this year)!


Please pass this information on to your family and friends who may also want to help. Together, we will make this happen!




Joanna O’Donnell

Director of Development

North Star Charter School
